The other day Hagan wasn't feeling so well -
(the fluid in his ears is really bothering him -
surgery for tubes in, adenoids and tonsils out
is scheduled for early May)
he was really dragging this specific afternoon.
We went to pick up Jailyn from gymnastics and
we saw one of my friends that he loves to play with,
and he just sat there and looked at her with
his adorable puppy dog eyes.
After picking up Jailyn, we had to pick up Jorja from soccer practice,
we usually get there early enough
to play at the park for a bit.
I wondered if he'd play or just be sad
and feel icky.
But you know what?...
as soon as we pulled into the parking lot -
he began giggling, and kicking with excitement...
no matter how bad he feels -
he sure loves to play at the park!
And I have to thank y'all for helping make this dream come true for
the children in the Mekele orphanage in Ethiopia!
Y'all have helped raise $4190!
That is enough to build a playground for these precious kids and
a good start for the needed building
so these babies can have adequate rooms.
We still need $5810 in 8 days!
Praising God as HE uses his people to move this mountain!
(Please click on this link to get to our donation page)

Thank you in advance!!!
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