Friday, August 3, 2012


I just looked up the definition of doubt: defines doubt:
 to be uncertain about;
consider questionable or unlikely;
hesitate to believe.

And, can I tell you,
I just HATE when doubt creeps into my heart.

It is horrible!
It is evil!

But then again - it is humbling!

I have been so humbled through this adoption journey -
giving it ALL to God!
Not just some,

And guess what?

HE has proven himself again!!!

We are about ready to send another set of paperwork to our agency,
and in the adoption world -
finalizing another step of paperwork means...

we owe money!
(have I ever told you I hate that money is
always the stumbling block?
HATE IT!!!!)

But get this!
After dreading looking at the balance of our adoption account,
you see this is where that ugly doubt sneaks in...

Guess what God showed me?

Once again,
HE's got this covered!
After making payments -
there is still a balance of

An extra $127.40!!!!

Ohhhh yes!!!
This is soooo God!!!!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our journey
to our boys!
Whether you have donated financially,
having bake sales,
purchasing necklaces,
purchasing paintings,
signing up for our GNO at Painting with A Twist
 donating items for our garage sale (August 24th and 25th),
or our upcoming online auction (coming September 1st!)

please know that God is using your gifts in a MAJOR way!

Cause HE's bringing our sweet boys home!!!!!


Shelly said...

I am all about doubt right now. We have $3000 due NOW! We have only a few hundred in our account. Doubting Debbie is my new name. Ugh! I hate feeling this way.

Dardi said...

Someone said to me once that if we never stepped into the "impossible", how would we ever be able to see God? And even better, He gets ALL the glory. It is so hard in our humanness...I can certainly attest to that! Thanks for sharing His goodness! (And, mercy, can those boys be any cuter?!?!?)


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