Thursday, October 27, 2011

A wonderful visit!

It really stinks living so far from family,
I hate the miles that keep us apart -
we cherish the visits that we get to spend 
with family- 
this last week Mimi and Uncle JB 
came out for a visit!

We played,


took in three of soccer games
(kenzie's was post-poned due to rain)

and a football game!

Celebrated Mimi's birthday
(a month late)

 and just had fun being silly!

Thanks for coming to see us Mimi and Uncle JB!
Know that you are loved by all of us! 


Jay said...

Your kids are so cute. Too bad that fat old guy ruins the pics!

Naomi said...

I think it is great fun to see the old guy in these photos. It's been close to 20 years since I have seen him in person! So glad you had a nice visit! Your mom looks great, too!


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