Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy Fall Y'all

This past summer was so blame HOT in Texas 
that most of our time was spent 
either at the pool or indoors! 
110 degrees is just too hot!

But our temperatures are dropping -
to the mid 90's 
and we are out and enjoying every minute! 

We finally get to ride our bikes!

This boy is happiest on his bicycle!! 
And will ride for hours!!!! 
Thankfully he has learned to obey the rules of the staying on the sidewalk -
so he is free to ride!

and Jorja has learned to ride her bicycle well on the sidewalk without 
training wheels! 
Sooooo proud of her as she has faced her fear of falling. 

and scooters 

Enjoy soccer games without sweating to death!

Jorja got her first goal of the season and played super hard! 

Donovan had his third game of the season and is feeling more and 
more comfortable with his team and being on the field.
He got his first goal this weekend too!

Play with sidewalk chalk.

Chalk drawings of airplanes were a common site at Donovan and Elijah's orphanage,
we are incredibly thankful to see our boys expanding their drawings.

... hoola hoop!

and the joy of  watching happy feet play hop-scotch!

Ohhhhh it's a beautiful time of year!

Sunday Snapshot


Merrill said...

My brother lives in TX, and I know y'all have been h-o-t this summer. He visited us last weekend when we had a sudden taste of fall and the high was in the 60s. It was quite a shock for him. Hope you guys cool off soon!

Sennie said...

Such happy faces <3
Here from Sunday Snapshot.

Musings from Kim K. said...

I can't imagine living in that kind of heat. You have my complete sympathy. Happy fall temps!!

Anonymous said...

Love the soccer pics! They look like little soccer pros! Hoping for another cool front soon!


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