Saturday, February 21, 2015

690 days...

It's been 690 days since I first laid eyes on this photo of 
our son...

I knew at first glance 
my heart dropped 
I knew that he was my boy!! 

But he wasn't paper ready,
and we weren't ready either.

He had been placed at 
Little Flowers for a short time,

and was then returned to his orphanage,
and placed in a foster family.

We thought we'd never see him again...
but when we did - 
we fought for him!
God used people who didn't even know we were looking for him,
to help us find him!!! 
(Kelsey Melvin, you will always be my hero!!)

And the Lord open doors for us to see his file,
and ask permission from China for us to 
be his forever family!

This last month has been hard...

just missing our kiddos 
and knowing that we are months 
away from holding them.

I decided to look at Little Flowers photos again
to see if there were any other photos of him.

And look what I found! 

(taken July 2013 - Miles is 1 year and 2 months old here)

A photo that I hadn't ever seen before!!!

Ohhhh this sweet lips!!! 
and chubby ankles!!!
Be still my heart!!!

Ohhhh my sweet boy!!!!!
Praying we hold you soon!!!
Thank you Jesus for a glimpse of my little guy!!

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