Thursday, February 2, 2012

The new me...

it's the "old" me!

See, a few months ago I looked like this -
including the double chin,
and wrinkles...

now I look like this -

ugh! never wore glasses in my life!
(besides sunglasses!)
(Ooops there's still gray hair showing -
guess I should wear my glasses when I color my hair!)

and now,
I have to wear these when I read
and I look like this -
(oh my, I have to do something about 
those chins!)

I'm NOT enjoying getting old!!!


Musings from Kim K. said...

Very pretty glasses. You're still a cutie. I'm going to the hairdresser after work to get the gray covered up a bit (smile). It's that time of the month!

Lisa said...

I actually laughed out loud at your "commentary" You are BEAUTIFUL and you crack me up!!!!

Cari said...

cute post! i've actually wore glasses/contacts since i was a teen. i haven't crossed over into the reading glass arena yet, but i'm sure it's just around the corner. btw, i like your glasses!

Shonni said...

I agree with rock!!!

Sharon said...

You look great, Jodi!
I wore contacts until I was 40 and then switched to glasses. Cancer treatment and asthma meds brought on cataracts early so my distance vision became good, but my reading is IMPOSSIBLE unless the letters are 1/4 inch or with glasses. I tried reading glasses for a while and went to progressives. I have to wear them all the time, but I never lose them, don't have them down my nose, AND they help cover the bags under my eyes!
BTW, aren't you "little Jodi Brady" who's still in high school! LOL


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