Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Here HE goes again...

A few months ago,
Bryan and I swore  strongly agreed that we were done!
We have been blessed immeasurably 
with our beautiful family...
WE were done. 
Thank you God but
seriously -

Warning -
never say that to God!

Cause HE may take you on ride
that you never thought possible! 

He melted our hearts! 

Brought us to our knees!

And God moved stubborn mountains to tell us 
that we are his mommy and daddy!

So now we begin our journey to China and to our sweet son Gus!

We are praying for 3000 people who will be willing to help us bring
Gus home,
by donating $10 each. 

 To insure a more personal contact with our friends - we will be using the "old school" way and  will be accepting donations through snail mail and face-to-face!  If you would like to make a donation to help bring Gus home, please leave a comment with your email or email me at  Thank you for blessing us with your friendship!


Musings from Kim K. said...

Oh my goodness! I'm just thrilled and excited for you, Jodi!! Woo hoo!!

Connie J said...

We are so excited for you! What a doll baby!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

I knew he was the one when I saw that Stephanie posted that Gus had a family! Bless you my friend, and your great big heart!

Sherri said...


Tena said...


Dardi said...

It's you!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!! I have seen him advocated for, & he is just precious!! So, so excited for you & for him! Congratulations!!

Dardi said...

Oh, & by the way, we said that, too, when Kendi came home in Oct., 2010. We should be on our way to China next month. ;o)

EJF said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations!!

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Hey Jodi~ Just found your blog from FB status of Lucy Harkness. Gus is precious and SO happy for him and your precious family! We are also pursuing a son with Lifeline so we're a fellow adoptive family. Just wondering if you live in Atlanta area. Blessings and love! Sharon

Shonni said...

I am so excited for you!!!
Congratulations!!!! He is adorable.

Cari said...

YAY!! I saw him on Stephanie's website and just thought how cute he is. I'm soooooooo excited for your family. I've been going through adoption journey withdrawal so now I have someone's journey to follow again! :)

Kathy said...

Congrats. He is a cutie. Hoping things move smoothly for you and you travel quickly.

Shannon said...

PRAISE THE LORD!!! I have had my eye on him and I am SOO thankful he is YOURS! He looks just perfect and I can't wait to follow your journey. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Jodi!!! I'm SOOOOO happy and excited for y'all! I can't wait to hear more details about precious Gus!! He's such a cutie...oh my word!! I can see how y'all feel head over heels!!!

The Mom said...




Sharon said...

Yay, yay, yay!!!! Super excited! We think we're done with number 5, but I'm learning to be open. :) So happy for you!

Brad and Tara said...

WOW!!!! Amazing!!! Congrats!!!! Praying for the next journey!!! You guys are awesome!!!

Brooke said...

YEAH!!!! I finally found your blog! (It wouldn't take me to it from your comment the other day.) I cannot even begin to tell you what an honor it was to advocate for your little Gus. And the fact that God answered my prayer for him to find a forever family almost immediately was absolutely amazing! It truly brought me to tears! I cannot wait to watch your journey to bring this little bit home to such a loving (and beautiful) family!!! xoxo Brooke

Kathy said...

Oh my goodness! I have God bumps!
I am so excited for you and your family!
He is SO precious!!!

Mandie said...

Congratulations!!! SO excited for you.

Mommy (aka Susan) said...

Oh my goodness! I had seen his sweet face over at Ni Hao Y'all and been praying for him! I am so glad you are his family!!! Congratulations!!!


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