Friday, September 17, 2010

Funny soccer pictures!

This just cracks me up!
Jorja's teammate is the same age -
I think her shorts are bigger then Jorja! 
(and she's not a big girl!)

Jorja is such a peanut! 

This cracked me up too -
(Coach Mark's wife laughed too!)

Jorja's soccer ribbon came undone
so she went to Coach for help!

After the game I asked her why she didn't
ask Coach Brady to help?
She said,
"Cause he doesn't know how to do it!"

Coach Mark's wife didn't know her hubby 
knew how to do hair either! 


Anita said...

LOVE the soccer pics Jodi!! I have a feeling I'll have one of those when we get Kaleb home with Kaylin towering over him! :) And CUTE about the soccer coach doing hair!! LOL!! Still haven't forgotten our call. This week has been CRAZY!! You're on my list to call and email! I PROMISE!!

Musings from Kim K. said...

Love the soccer pics...especially the hair bow. Have a super weekend!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Hey Jodi -- do you follow Stefanie's blog? she is LID AGAIN!!!! Adoption #6 (kid #10)!~!!

Mel30teague said...

Now that is a great coach!


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