Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fewer are waiting!

But there are still some sweet children waiting
please pray with me for 
their forever families to 
find them!

Take another look at these
the personality in these little faces!
Crazy beautiful!
Brady, 4 years old!
Libby, 3 years old! (on HOLD)
Pierce, 5 years old!
Natalie, 9 years old
Ben, 4 years old!  (On HOLD)
Mary Beth, 2 1/2 years!

Be still my heart!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Be still my heart as well. The faces of the precious children around the world that I have seen and shared Jesus continue to hold my heart strings.

Delighted to meet you today! Hope you don't mind if I splash around for a bit. This looks like a refreshing spot.

happy day,


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