Thursday, September 9, 2010


Wow! What an incredible day!

The weather was lousy! 
Cloudy, rainy, dark, cold
just a poohy feeling day!

A day  that I usually would like to spend 
in bed with a cup of coffee 
and a good book.

God had another idea for us!

Yesterday was Linny's 
Crazy Love Prayer Challenge.
Not only did I enjoy my time fasting
and praying during meal time - 
spending this quiet time 
with the Lord,
and lifting up to our Almighty God,
the needs of many new 
bloggy friends, and RL (real life)
friends who are adopting.

I truly felt God's peace around me all day!
working through the paperwork issues,
as I was out running errands
and all my "babies" were at home
wondering if the Tornado Warning would 
turn into more,
and trying to decide what to do 
with our still broken dishwasher -
was never so peaceful!

Thank you friends for your prayers!
God held us under His wing today and gave us 
peace that only He can give.

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, 
which transcends all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

1 comment:

Shonni said...

Wow, what a day. I had heard about the bad weather.


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