Saturday, January 30, 2010

Praise Jesus!

Jailyn was successful - 
and we are going home today!

She has been all smiles, 
laughing and chatty 
since the IV came out! 

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.


Jill said...

Great news Jodi!
Yeah Jailyn!!!

Shonni said...


debi9kids said...

What a wonderful blessing. Praise God.

Mei Mei s and Mayhem said...

So happy to hear the surgery went well.

Thanks for the blog award I finally posted it!! :-)

NancyW said...

Going home is always good news. I have a cleft palate myself and the thing I remember most about the surgeries at that age was trying to be brave when my parents had to leave the hospital at night. Glad to hear the surgery went well :)


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