Wednesday, October 28, 2009

God's will or mine?

Am I following God's will
am I wanting my own will?

My desires are unselfish,
commanded by God,
and I'm sure will be
blessed by God.

But are they truly God's desires?

Much time has been spent in prayer,
in His word,
and listening.
But, then there is spiritual warfare.
God has not closed any doors -
and he knows
I need a door slammed right in my face!
But, things are creeping up -
is this Satan at work?

If so, that excites me -
if Satan doesn't like what I'm doing
and wants to discourage me -
God must be a work!

Or is God saying
"not right now"?


NiHao Nepal said...

Jay and I were just talking last night about you totally "get" this whole adoption thing. You are encouraging and inspiring to us! Don't be discouraged! Keep praying and we will too!

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Good to talk to you today!!!


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