Saturday, May 23, 2020

Perfect Peace Patch

While the world is quarantined, our favorite camp offered an opportunity to earn a patch!
Some of us have already earned some of the patches
as campers.
Hagan has earned his Indian and Scout patches.
Jailyn has earned her Indian, Scout and Warrior patches.
I have earned Indian, Scout, Warrior, Councilman, Chief and Excellence - from back in the day!! haha!

We decided this would be a great for all of us! 

We had to memorize Bible verses,
make a craft,
play a game with someone over via zoom,
a service project,
and help a family member in a creative way. 

We tackled some verses together.

(the attempt at the man- bun stage of quarantine) 

As the kids got a hang to memorization we encouraged them to work on their own! 
Griggs was the first to finish his verse memorization!
(Jailyn, myself, Hagan and Miles felt the pressure and followed behind!)

(yes, Miles wears his gym shoes at all times!! It's a trauma thing!)

For our craft we made reusable grocery bags for Earth Day! 

I love Hagan’s bag!

Before our city was put on lockdown we went around to some of
our favorite small businesses and left notes of encouragement 
on their windows.
And of course, began our thank you basket for our delivery peeps!
Soooo appreciate them! 
We love y’all!

Texas Best Gymnastics

Just for Kids Dental

Pinnacle Eye Associates

Donut Bliss

We had a great time playing long distance charades with Mimi, Papa Paul and Uncle JB!!

Helping a sibling was easy! 
These kids are always helping each other! 
Helping each other during homeschooling, putting together toys for the younger kids,
helping each other on our family hikes and adventures,
encouraging each other through this whole quarantine time! 
I couldn't be more proud of how our kids have pulled together to meet each other emotionally or physically! 
It's not been easy - but they have pulled together!! 

Camp Elim sent us our earned patches!
So proud of these kiddos!

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