Friday, July 12, 2019

Stay on the path given me!

God is making me a new creation. 

One would think he would get tired of chasing after me.
I'm so thankful he has never given up on me. 
Instead he allows for growth, even through the pain. 

He knows that I am comfortable on the beaten path. 
The path that is well worn, with not too many curves!
He knows that if there is even a small rock on my path, 
I will trip right over it! 

The insecurity of going a different direction,
not knowing where it may lead... scares me!!!
Can even paralyze me! 

Many people think that I'm adventurous... probably because 
we've gone off the beaten path a few times to bring our babies home. 
But to be completely honest, 
every child God brought home to our family, 
we followed HIM in fear!  
Many times I've even had serious conversations with him, 
"If you want to close these doors - that'd be okay!" 
I did.

God shows us the journey HE has for each of us individually.
Even when it's not what we have dreamed or imagined!
Even when the path is painful and hard-
He is faithful and holds us closer.

His plans are so much bigger than our minds can fathom!

Isaiah 55:8
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are my ways your ways,
saith the Lord. 

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