Thursday, February 20, 2014

Who'd have guessed?

As we get closer to celebrating our first year "Gotcha" day anniversary
with Hagan and Griggs,
I get a bit teary eyed!!! 
(okay, I sob like a baby!)

Wow! God has done amazing things this past year!

To think we had no idea of what our boys personalities were like,
we had no idea what would be in store for our family. 

All we knew was that God had asked us to bring these precious boys home.

And they knew less of us! 

What a surprise they were in for! 
One big, crazy family who just wanted to love on them!

Who'd have guessed these two would fit 
so completely perfect in our family. 
God knew! 

HE has blessed us more than we ever dreamed!!! 

1 comment:

likeschocolate said...

Congratulations! They are so sweet looking! God knew how perfect they would fit in!


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