Friday, November 29, 2013

The dreaded before and after photos...

I must really love y'all 
if I am willing to do this...  

put myself out there for y'all to see.
Pushing "publish" is really hard on this one!

You know I really like the blog world,
cause if I don't want to show y'all something then I don't have too! 

But, I love y'all,
and I LOVE my Plexus!! 

I know! Some of y'all think it's a diet scam but it's not! 
I promise!!! 
In fact, before starting Plexus I never knew how many diet 
scams there were out there -
though I was really, really good about working at the gym
for a year prior to my spinal surgery.
(with no change on the scale or in my clothing!)

Many of my FB friends have asked for before and after photos
since I have been on Plexus.

Actually, there aren't any "after" photos... yet...
cause I am still 
a work in progress!! 

And really, there aren't many "before" photos -
well, cause...
I'm camera shy! 

No, I'm not! 
I'm not camera shy -
I just really hate being in front of the camera!
I would much rather be behind the camera
 and show off photos of my beautiful kiddos! 

But, here we go....

I learned to strategically place items in front of me!

(fund raiser to help bring home Hagan and Griggs)

For those of you who may think that adoption is easier on your body 
the birthing your own children -
I am living proof that this is not true!! 
I have kept on at least 10lbs per adoption! UGH!!!

 See... there's always little children 
around to strategically place.

(Christmas 2012)

Ohhh no!!! Someone is totally grounded for taking this photo!
Though I do love the idea - momma and Elijah!

And then there's the I've been on Plexus 
for 3 weeks -
feeling better then I thought I looked!
(down 9 lbs)

(September 2013) 

And again, 
feeling great - benefiting greatly from the extra natural energy 
from Plexus SLIM! 
SLIM naturally breaks down sugars in your body,
filtering through the liver before it hits the pancreas.  
When your pancreas isn't overworked your body naturally releases 
excess stored up fat from your body!
Better then I thought I was looking - 
down 15 lbs!

 (October 2013)

Through this journey I realized that I suffer from Candida...
Plexus has helped me clear this up too! 
Incredibly thankful!!! 

And then there is a problem with finding a photographer...

(November 2013)

Jorja did a better job!

Wearing a size smaller jeans - 
and a shirt that I hadn't worn since before Jailyn came home!

And the most recent...
who would have thought the day after Thanksgiving -
and all the yummy food,
that I would have achieved my 2nd weight goal -
down 20lbs!!!

 (November 29, 2013 - on Plexus for almost 3 months)

I still have a ways to go - 
but am thankful to be on this journey of getting healthy!
And without having to really think about it!

Just my all natural "Pink" drink,
and supplement capsules!
I don't have time to think about anything more then that!

Y'all know how much I love my kiddos,
and love to share about the orphan! 
I am also taking it seriously to take care of me -
so that I am around and healthy for my children! 

Contact me if you'd like to learn more about Plexus! 
Jesus, my children, orphans, adoptions and Plexus - 
I love to talk about!! 

In the spirit of BLACK FRIDAY -
Plexus is offering 10% off of everything!
Retail orders, Preferred Customer orders,
and even new Ambassador Welcome Kits! 
Sooo cool!!!

Here's my website:


Anonymous said...

Jodi....all I can say is "You look MAHVELOUS DARLING"!!!!!
Terrific job! I'm still stuck on my 8 to 10 lbs. but at least I lost that!!! :-)

Jean said...

You look great!! Happy and healthier!
Praise God!

B said...

You are beautiful!! I busted out laughing when you said you had trouble finding a photographer! Love that you said you have to take care of yourself so that you can be healthy to take care of all your children! So true!!!
Much Love!

Stephanie said...

You look great!
I would love to do Plexus, but it just sounds a little to good to be true, which is making me feel hesitant to start it. Does it have any side effects on your body or long or short term damage to your body?


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