Sunday, October 27, 2013

My son...

My son hates...

My son loves.

My son is angry...

My son is happy.

My son terrorizes...

My son hugs.

My son is a loaner...

My son is a leader.

My son is mad...

My son is silly.

My son is destructive...

My son is creative.

My son is ugly...

My son is adorable.

My son runs...

My son clings.

My son hits...

My son hugs.

My son hurts...

My son helps.

My son struggles...

My son succeeds.

My son fights...

My son embraces.

My son pushes me away...

My son pulls me in.

My son worries me...

My son encourages me.

My son loves me...

I love my son!

and I cling to my God,
my God who heals!


likeschocolate said...

Well said!

quilt'n-mama said...

How we understand stand and how we rejoice with each step forward!
Thanks for sharing!

Shonni said...



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