Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Our Social Worker

I'd love to make a gift for our Social Worker,
and I need your help!

Anyone who has used Beverley L as your SW,
I'd love to put together a photo album for her.

Y'all can send me a photo of your family,
and if you would like to add a note for her -
that would be wonderful too! 

She is an amazing lady -
and loves all of her families so very much!
I think she will love this!

Feel free to email me your photos 
and note,
if you'd rather snail mail it to me -
email me and I will send you our address.

Thank you sooo much!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We LOVE Beverly!! I'll send you a pic! And she is Jen Newberry's social worker. I'll tell her too. Can't wait to see what you're doing for her :)


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