I love families who when God speaks
they have listened,
and when God asks them to move,
they move.
Let me introduce you to a few friends of mine
who are doing just this!
(Monty and Dawn Patton)
(Bryan and Nichol Starr)
I met the Patton's and Starr's during our journey to
Donovan and Elijah.
They have been friends that I have been able to
share excitement, doubts, fears
and deep emotions with -
and they have stuck around! (haha!)
They have encouraged me on low days,
and have laughed and cheered us through our adoptions.
Even though we are all home with our precious children,
their hearts are still in Ethiopia.
They left a piece of themselves
They left a piece of themselves
with the children who wait for their forever families.
As many of you know, our six adopted children have
their own stories and their own past experiences.
Some of our children are from places which they
barely had a toy to play with,
not to mention a book,
or anything educational.
Which makes transition to their new family
very difficult.
These beautiful families have begun this amazing ministry to serve the Makele orphanage
to serve these precious children and
build up their facilities.
This is where the playground needs to go.
$2000.00 needed for the playground.
This is where they will be building two more rooms.
$6000.00 needed for additional rooms.
Giving these children roots -
so that they can find their wings.
We need to raise these funds by April 25th!
Please help us get Monty to Ethiopia!
Monty is a normal guy who just wants to serve HIS God
and these precious children!
Feel free to contact myself or Monty's beautiful wife, Dawn
if you have any questions.
Please help us get Monty to Ethiopia!
Monty is a normal guy who just wants to serve HIS God
and these precious children!
Feel free to contact myself or Monty's beautiful wife, Dawn
if you have any questions.

Donations to Orphanage & Care Center Makele'
For Paypal users - it may be easier to use this link at
International Adoption Net
For Paypal users - it may be easier to use this link at
International Adoption Net
Matthew 9:36-38
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them,
because they were harassed and helpless,
like sheep without a shepherd.
They he said to his disciples
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Ask the Lord of the harvest,
to send out workers into HIS harvest field."
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