Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The little things!

How can I not trust God with the big picture
when He takes care of the small things too!

A few weeks ago I began getting myself out
 of bed early.
(well, early for summer - before the Texas 
heat is unbearable unless I am in the pool!)

I began walking/jogging a few miles.
It is good for me and for my dog,
who is getting older and hippy along with me.

I hate exercising alone.
It's hard to get myself up and going
and then I get very bored exercising alone.
(I don't have an ipod or anything like that -
and Cosmo tries to run off when I start singing.)

I have enjoyed the walks this week,
as I have had a lot to pray about -
and listen to God as he speaks, 
when I'm quiet.

The other day, we added an extra 1/4 mile on our walk,
an old friend was walking towards us,
we chatted for a while
and she asked if I would like a walking partner -
Sooo cool!

So thankful he is blessing me with a partner
and Christa is a wonderful person,
I'm so excited as we re-kindle our friendship!
The walks have gone much faster and
easier as we chat!
Cosmo is pretty exhausted by the end of the walk,
this is a good thing too! 

1 comment:

Musings from Kim K. said...

Having an exercise buddy is awesome. How nice that you can squeak that into your morning. What a great way to start your day.


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