and it's not good when Mom
is the one down.
With Jailyn's surgery and recovery
I forgot to go in
to get my B-12 shot last week...
and now I am paying for it.
But, I am so thankful
to my helpful family!
Each in their own way finds a way to
help mom...
Brady - makes sure I have quiet.
Kenzie - cleaned her room and encourages
the others to do their chores.
Conner - holds me and plays with my hair
until I fall asleep.
Jorja - takes over for Conner -
but I end up with pony tails all over my head.
Jailyn - makes sure I have enough to drink.
Bryan - empties the dishwasher
and makes sure the kids are fed!
Thanks guys!!
I'm sick too but I don't have such a good group to take care of me. Juergen did buy me flowers and took the kids to the big M. He's been great! I hope you feel well soon. B-12 shots? tell more.
I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling well and so glad that you have lovies to take care of you. I had to take B-12 shots for awhile...
Wow, you have amazing kids!!! Hope you feel better soon. Are you anemic?
Yes, I'm anemic - just adding iron doesn't help without some B-12!
I get shots every 2 weeks - except when I am busy and I forget to make an appointment and then I get totally run down! Lesson learned! :)
My wonderful dr.'s office watches my blog too - so hopefully, they will be expecting me first thing Monday morning. :)
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