Friday, January 15, 2010

a new look!

We had the cutest photo of Brady, Kenzie and Conner
over our fireplace mantel.
(sorry can't find a photo of it right now)
but it was taken earlier then the arrival of Jailyn and Jorja.

We had added some updated photos of the big kids
and Jailyn...

after Jorja arrived I had a photo of her up there - but
not really organized nicely...
it was driving me nuts!

but I still hadn't gotten a moment to fix it
or more importantly a creative inspiration
re-do the whole look -

at least, not until now!

And I love it!

What do you think?


Jay said...

Love it. And the whole story with comments by Chris and The Goof is even better with the visual. (But the now-removed picture of the three eldest kids is a great photo!)

Shannon said...

So is the blank square for a reason? ;-) Did you do those yourself, I love it!

Musings from Kim K. said...

That's an awfully big hint. No fair to keep us hanging with that blank square.

Anonymous said...

Jodi it turned out so nice! What a great idea.


Jodi said...

Shannon, They were really easy to make -
I took photos of the kids and printed them off on regular paper. This was my template.
I traced the template on scrap book paper.

I was thinking of making the silhouettes black and the background colorful - but Kenzie suggested this - so we tried it and we love it!



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