Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"Large Families are just another orphanage"

I have been told by friends and strangers
that adopting more kids is just moving
a child from one orphanage to another.


I have heard this more then once,
and I am still in shock when I hear this.

But, I guess when I get thinking
about it...

I guess there are some similarities
that big families and orphanages

like sharing a bedroom,

or like sharing a bed,

sometimes a child will just find anywhere to crash.

Kids do have to share toys...

and they have to help do laundry.

Sometimes they even have to
fix their own food...

in a large family,
kids don't get any attention...

Oh, yeah -
there are a lot of similarities!

As I sat last night at Kenzie's voice recital
and her choir concert, with Jorja on my lap,
and for a time during the concert Jailyn wanted to
sit with Mamma too,
I weld up with tears that these two are home
They take such pride in their family,
and love all the family experiences offer.

All I can say is,
"Thank you Lord Jesus
for sending these two beautiful girls home
to us!"


Theresa said...

From one big family to another - you guys are doing a wonderful job!

Shonni said...

We have been told this by a Christian missionary couple, of all things....I was shocked and disappointed!
You are doing a wonderful job and showing the world what a family looks like.

Amy said...

Thankfully I have never heard that! I am hoping to bring another one home to our family "orphanage" in the next few years, and then another and possible another!! Are we bad???? :)

Catching Butterflies 3 said...

people that say such things have never been to an orphanage.

bugs parents said...

Well, my friend, you've touched on something I think of often.

No, we can't offer our littles the best of everything. More likely, it's been worn before, read before, played with before or bought at W-Mart. Ours, too, have to share a bedroom and toys.

The one thing we can give them, though, is the same Mommy and Daddy tucking them into bed each night and greeting them with a hug and kiss in the morning. I'm hoping the feeling of missing "things" is replaced by the feeling of belonging to a family - one who is there always, through everything, forever.


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