Hagan has been through the ringer over the past week.
If we aren't FB friends, I wasn't able to update y'all
through the week... But here is a run down.
(Plus this blog is my little photo album and we don't want to forget this!
Last Wednesday, Hagan went in for spinal surgery.
What our doctor told us would be a 5 hour surgery,
took 8 hours!
Thankfully we have a friend,
who's daughter had this done recently and told us - 7 hours!
We were prepared for longer than 5 hours!
As many of you know,
no matter what surgery Hagan has -
the anitesthia is always scary!
Wednesday night, he was left on the ventilator
because his stats were already low.
We had hoped 7he would sleep through the night-
unfortunately, he didn't
and it was a loooooong night.
We stayed in the hospital until Monday evening.
One week after surgery and Hagan is still in a lot of pain.
He brightens up with the few visitors that
We have allowed.
(Don't want to get him too excited
And tired...
With exhaustion comes pain.)
(he loves to show off his war wound!!
Big brother, Brady, was a bit squeamish but humored Hagan
and looked at it. )
Presently, he is in a large back brace that he needs
to wear any time he is awake.
He is not happy with this, but is also very cautious,
so that is good!
Per doctors orders, Hagan will be out of school
until after Christmas break.
When he gets back to school
he will have very restricted physical ability.
Hagan also has changed from a CPAP
to a BiPAP machine at night.
We are having a time of adjustment for this too!
(especially since the dog ate Hagan's favorite mask - grrrrr!!!)
(especially since the dog ate Hagan's favorite mask - grrrrr!!!)
He's not enjoying the BiPAP,
but he does wake up more rested with it.
Thank you for all of your prayers!!
We continually feel wrapped around in prayers!!!
This season is so very hard,
hard for Hagan,
hard for us to watch him in pain,
hard for some of the kids to understand the situation.
We stand in awe of the grace that is bestowed
on us daily.
Please continue to keep Hagan and the rest of us in your prayers!
Please continue to keep Hagan and the rest of us in your prayers!
Poor guy! I hope he feels better soon!
He's a tough guy! You are a strong family! I lives reading this update. You all have been in our thoughts and prayers.
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