Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What am I going to do?

7 days of school before my oldest daughter 
graduates High School.
sniff! sniff!

I have been asked many times if I am ready 
for her to graduate -

and you know what?

I am.

Kenzie has grown into a beautiful woman,
who is funny, 
and even
for a 17 year old.

I'm not sure what I am going to do without her 
next year,
she's a fun shopping partner,
and she fixes all my technology issues,
she helps me corral the youngin's 
but mostly 
I'm going to miss her laughter 
and our silly chats!

But, this is what our goal as parents is -
to raise them to be able to go into the world 
with a good head on their shoulders 
and succeed
and Kenzie is ready to fly! 

we are soooo proud of you!! 

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