Tuesday, May 20, 2014

He's so smart!!!

a few weeks ago I accidentally purchased pull-ups for Griggs 
rather than diapers -
Oh well, 
pull-ups are pretty much diapers!

When Jailyn and I were in the hospital...
Griggs ran out of diapers,
Dad found the pull-ups and thought that I had 
marvelous plans to use this time home with Jailyn 
to also potty train Griggs.
(my hubby must think I am super woman or something!)

We came home from the hospital hearing Daddy say,
"Griggs?  You need to go potty?"

I thought, "really?"
"Ohhh, brother!"

Well, to much my surprise with the encouragement of lots of brothers and sisters and 
m & m's (1 for pee-pee, 2 for poo).

Griggs kept his pull-up dry all day 
on Saturday and Sunday!!! 
(even with a 4 hour adventure out to a soccer game and pizza dinner
with Dad and the other kids!)

By Monday,
Griggs has learned that the more of this...

make him need to do more of this...

which gets him more of this!!!

Seriously smart kid!!!


Anonymous said...

Smart Griggs, smart Momma and Daddy, too!
Congrats, to Griggsy!:)

Blessings, hollym.:)

godlyrose said...

We just had a potty-training adventure, too!


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