Tuesday, February 18, 2014

No more excuses!

I have an ache on my heart -
that I feel that I need to share.
This is not as eloquent as some others might be able to present.
Some might get upset at me, I''m sorry -

well, I'm really not 'sorry'.
It needs to be said.

This is for those who call themselves Christians,
followers of Christ,
the Church,

We go to church on Sunday,
we sing
 "Our God is an awesome God,
he reigns from Heaven above,
with wisdom, power and love,
our God is an awesome God."

we even teach our kids…
"He's got the moon and the stars,
 in HIS hands!
He's got the little bitty baby in HIS hands!
He's got you and me brother in  HIS hands!
He's got the whole world in HIS hands!"

Since we began this amazing journey that God 
has planned out for us over the past 8 years -
I really can't count how many times I have been told,
"Oh, I would adopt if I had the money."
"Oh, I wouldn't be able to do that -
that is not my gift."
As, I have begun advocating for waiting children around the world,
I have heard these responses more and more,
"I would but I don't have the means."

My kids and I have been doing a little Bible study on faith.

Faith, believing in what you can't see.

This is the security we have in God! 
We don't have to see HIS plan. 
We are just asked to follow,
and be used where HE feels that HE can use us. 

There may be other things that Christ is asking you -
Are you supposed to ask your neighbor to church with you?
Do you feel the desire to give a certain someone a call today?
Do it y'all!! 
This is God placing it on your heart! 
Do you desire to go on a mission trip?
Do you feel that you should support a mission trip,
or children's camp,
give respite care to a family
or financially help an adoptive family?

Do it!
Even if it may take time out of your day,
or it may mean you have to sacrifice something in your budget this month -
Do it!!! 

Our God is bigger than what we see before us!
My hubby has a good job,
but seriously, y'all…
we have never had 25K sitting around for any of our 7 adoptions.
But God has always provided! 

Step out in faith Church!! 
Practice what we preach! 

Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please him;
for he cometh to God must believe that he is,
and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

HE will reward us, reward and empower -
our strength comes from HIM!!!
Rely on HIM for our needs and HE will supply,
whether our needs are financially, emotionally, spiritually...

No more excuses!


Tammy said...

Ack!! I love this and I love YOU! Thank you for the challenge to step it up!!! <3

Misty Garrison said...

You said this perfectly!! And I needed to hear it! :)

Misty Garrison said...

You said it perfectly! And I needed to hear it! :)

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

LOVE and I am adding your link to my post today~ you said it so much better than I! XOXOXO


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