Sunday, February 26, 2012

It may just be a band-aid

It may have just been a band-aid,
and it kept 
dirty out of his little wound,
and he may or may not
have admired it ALL day long!

But, this little band-aid
did more then we ever dreamed,
it helped my son heal.

This is the first band-aid that Elijah 
has allowed on an owie 
since he came home 8 months ago.
(possible his first band-aid ever)
and let me tell you -
our little dare devil 
has needed many band-aids in the last 8 months.

But, this owie was the one.

The one where he let me help him.

The one that made him proud to wear.

The one that began him adding band-aids to 
his body day after day.

And the band-aid that started him talking about
many of his other hurts.

You see my son,
has lots of visual scars from his past,
but he has even more emotional scars -
and we are sooooo happy that he is 
beginning to let down his guard,
and trust us with what hurts him!

Thank you Jesus!

Sunday Snapshot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, that brings tears to my eyes. So happy he's starting to build more trust everyday with y'all. What a sweet boy:)


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