I'm learning that in the adoption world,
to say that a child has been "rescued"
by their adoptive parents is a horrible thing to say.
I'm not sure why.
By definition (from Merrien- Webster)
Rescue = to free from confinement, danger, or evil
So, why is "rescued" such a bad word?
Many times I wonder if we, in the adoption community,
beautify adoption too much.
I don't know if recently there have been more,
or if I am just hearing about it more recently,
but it seems to me that there have been more
adoptions being disrupted.
Children not fitting with the family,
families not fitting with the children...
I know God can use these situations-
and the forever families do find each other -
but the agony that families go through
during this time,
is heart wrenching!
is heart wrenching!
(And by families I mean - the parents, siblings and
the adopted child)
Is this because we look at adoption as just adding
to our families because we want another child?
Are we truly educated on orphaned children who
need a second chance,
who need to be rescued from a life of pain.
Is this because we look at adoption as just adding
to our families because we want another child?
Are we truly educated on orphaned children who
need a second chance,
who need to be rescued from a life of pain.
Do we listen and support others who
struggle through a less then perfect adoption?
or do we point fingers?
How are we supposed to encourage others to
look into adoption,
and to pray asking God what He wants our
specific role to be in the life of an orphan
if we don't move with urgency?
How many more children will
suffer and die
struggle through a less then perfect adoption?
or do we point fingers?
How are we supposed to encourage others to
look into adoption,
and to pray asking God what He wants our
specific role to be in the life of an orphan
if we don't move with urgency?
How many more children will
suffer and die
from poverty, neglect, prostitution
We, the adoptive family,
has also been rescued through adoption.
We are learning a new kind of sacrifice,
a new selflessness,
a new unconditional love.
a new selflessness,
a new unconditional love.
Thank God we all have been rescued!
Adoption is a hard road some times.
Not every adoption is picture perfect,
but that doesn't mean that we should
not follow God's calling.
not follow God's calling.
Adoption is more then just adding to our family,
It is saving another human being.
It is sacrificing ones self and ones desires
so another person can love
and be loved.
and be loved.
I am sooooo not patting myself on the back.
Bryan and I are not special!
We have our own luggage that we carry
and need to work through,
God doesn't ask us to be perfect
but He does ask us to allow Him to
grow and stretch us.
I am so thankful that God has brought
Jailyn and Jorja in our lives!
And am incredibly
And am incredibly
thankful that we, as a family, have been
Oops! I've been using the word "rescue" a lot. To me, the "rescue" aspect is one of the wonderful aspects of adoption. Whether it be adoptive families, a loving orphanage in Guatemala or our adoption as children of God--rescue is a beautiful part of the whole picture. Thanks for the education--I didn't even know I was being politically incorrect!
Such a beautifully written post. Thank you for continuing to keep it "real".
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