Ever have one of those days?
I'm having it now.
Just trying to stay a float.
Can't wait to finish up this
school year,
and enjoy the summer,
and start a new
in the Fall.
But, today,
I just want to go back to bed.
I can't.
Sorry, I usually try to be positive here,
but some times
I just gotta be me.
Every ugly part!
Hope you are having a great day!
Hope tomorrow is better!
people learn from our over coming trails. Read the Bible...it's not a only positive book. We have this treasure in jars of clay so all might know that the power comes from God and not us. I'm sorry your having one of those days, but don't just write about the good stuff...it's not honest.
May your day be a much better day. {{{Hugs}}}
So sorry!!! Hope your feeling up and going again soon!
Got another pillow for me?!? Praying for you, sweet sister! Seasons come and go...some just last longer than we wish.
I love you!
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