Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sweet and Sassy is back!!!

If you have followed our blog for a while
you will remember these dresses that
I made and sold to help finances
of Jorja's adoption. 

They're back!
and better then ever! 

We are having a fun time making these.
The whole family has their input
with the designs. 
(okay,  sometimes the remarks are unsolicited - 
but still - 
gotta' love when everyone wants to be involved!)

We made a new blog to sell them on -
presently there are 11 dresses
to choose from.

Be the first to add these dresses
to your daughters wardrobe!

sweet and sassy dresses


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Hey -- tried the link and it took me to an email -- can you check it? Or is it me?

Jodi said...

Lucy, I knowww - how weird is that? I have never had that happen before -
I had to change it just to the blog address so everyone can cut and past or if you click on Jorja picture on the side bar that should work - let me know if there are more issues! :)
Miss ya girl!

Mei Mei s and Mayhem said...

Oooooo Im going to go check them out!!!!


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