Friday, February 26, 2010

Flash Back Friday!

My friend April,
began a Flashback Friday post!
I thought - how fun!
I love to back in time!

I thought I would share Conner's 1st day of Kindergarten photo.
Isn't he cute?

A bit mischievous, 
don't you think!

Our neighborhood opened it's doors when Conner began 
kindergarten and now he is in 5th grade!

All 3 big kids were at the same school!
I volunteered daily,
it was great!

A bit different then were we are now -
5 different schools. 

1 comment:

junglemama said...

Yes, it used to be one school for all of us. Now we are in four different schools. WE too have adopted a child with cleft palate and so it is nice to come across another family who can relate.


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